African Wedding Memories

This week has been a whirlwind.

My introduction and wedding seem like a long time ago. Last week’s initiation to the Tooro culture and Evelyn’s family was festive and fun. The wedding went without a hitch.


The events were followed by a road trip-honeymoon accompanied by my brother and his wife from Napa.

Our stops included a
* two-day safari at Queen Elizabeth National Park,
* a visit to see two new beneficiary groups of Team in Faith and our partner ACER,
* a long jaunt and overnight at Bwindi Gorilla Haven as the inaugural guests,
* an epic drive and traffic jam on the way to Entebbe to drop Tom and Stephanie at the airport.


As we rest and relax, God is here, with us, blessing us, loving us. Evelyn and I are very happy and excited about our next steps. The journey together continues….

2 thoughts on “African Wedding Memories

  1. Congrats Pat & Evenlyn! Looking very happy and proud as you should be Pat. Very happy for you two! Can’t wait to meet her when Team PMM does a team retreat to the Gorilla Lodge 🙂

  2. I actually attended that wedding.
    wish thee God’s blessings my beloved friends.
    we keep in touch.

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