The Anti-Social Media

Many years ago a great mentor of mine, now deceased, told me why he never owned a television.

He said “why would I invite unsavory characters into my home?” The motion picture industry, maybe in cahoots with NRA, has fed us never-ending spectacle of sex and violence…for decades and decades. Is it any wonder why our culture is so violent!

Today’s popular social media platform Facebook, to me, is becoming a day-care center for ignorant and uneducated voices to shout any unsubstantiated fact as fact. Trump has figured this out, while other respectable men and women watch…and complain. He’s a media creation, now with a legion of anti-social followers.

The chatter on Facebook disturbs me. Do I want to continue to be a member of this community? I choose to be discreet or silent in my political rants on FB while others fuel the flames of hyper-partisanship.

Like with the TV, maybe I turn off the computer and quiet the vacuous voices and violent images and focus on relationships that edify me and which I treasure. I’ve posted my share of lunch item shots and silly cats playing.

It’s been child’s play. Now is the time for me to leave the kids table and join the adults.